Keeping It Real

January 27, 2015

Lately I've been really inspired to put more energy into this little slice of the internet. My Inner Fabulous is my passion project, and so I'm always looking for ways to make it better. I was talking to Mark the other night about what my unique selling proposition is. In other words, what's going to set me apart from other bloggers and, hopefully, keep all of you coming back for more. 

I've decided that I want to do a better job of keeping things real here. I think I do a pretty good job of it already, but I could definitely be better. I don't wear tons of bracelets for an "arm party" because I find having my arm weigh an extra five pounds is quite annoying for me and everyone around me. I don't like Rockstuds. I don't buy designer things because I can't afford them (hello, I'm in college)! 

I do, however, love taking beautiful pictures and publishing pretty and inspiring images here. I just don't want you to think that that's my life. The above picture is my room maybe 2/7 days a week. Right now my bed is not made and it's piled high with discarded sweaters from trying to pick out this morning's outfit. Bloggers get a lot of flak for only publishing the beautiful parts of their lives and for not being very authentic. I've had brands approach me to work together, and although I'm itching to grow MIF, I turned them down because they're not a brand that I would truly use or that fits my style. 

Therefore, I want to introduce a new segment to the blog called "Keeping it Real." My vision is to continue posting images with the hope of inspiring you, but sometimes there will be an asterisk at the bottom of the post that tells you what was really going on. For example, how I told you that the above picture doesn't represent what my bed looks like at this moment, or even most of the time. 

I'll still be producing the same content, but I just want to be more upfront about what's going on behind the scenes. 

What do you guys think? Is that something that would appeal to you, or does it not really matter?

Would love to hear your thoughts!
xo Catherine 


  1. I love this idea! I always appreciate it when bloggers "get real" a little bit. It makes you human, more relatable & makes people want to come back. I already loved your blog before but now I'll love it even more!

    1. Thanks Sara! You're always the sweetest!


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