Men React: Leather Skinny Jeans
August 29, 2013
Happy Thursday! It's week two of the Men React series. This week I polled my panel about leather skinny jeans, seeing as leather is going to be all over the place this fall. Let's see what they thought!
"I don't really have anything against them, they just look really hot and uncomfortable." - Matt, 22
"I like them because they show attitude, and I like attitude. I recently bought my wife a pair." - Ryan, 29
"If I saw a girl walking around campus wearing these I would be confused. However, if I saw a girl at a club wearing them it would seem more reasonable and I would probably like them. I don't think very many girls could pull these off though." - Luke, 21
"I like them but it takes the right body to pull it off -- you know what I mean!" - Matt, 26
Overall, guys like this look:
Be sure to check back next week to see what the Men React Panel thinks of the next trend! Feel free to let me know if there's any trend you'd like to see the panel polled on!
xo Catherine
Life Lately: Instagram Version
August 27, 2013
It's waaaay too hot to take outfit pictures this week, so unfortunately there will not be any new outfit posts for the time-being. So I thought I'd share some of my (semi) recent Instagram pictures! Even when I'm not blogging, I'm usually posting on Instagram, so be sure to follow along!
Morning hike in San Jose with my guy.
Stripes + dots.
At the beach in Carmel-by-the-Sea.
With my cousins at a Massachusetts wedding.
Scrapbooked my Europe trip.
Cabin bonfire.
Went to the opening of Silver Jeans Co. loft at MOA and received this sassy pair of denim!
Prints I bought in Paris.
Enjoy your Tuesday and stay cool!
xo Catherine
August 26, 2013
Men React: Denim on Denim
August 22, 2013
Images: 1/ 2
I am so so excited to announce a brand new series called: Men React! I always find myself asking my boyfriend what he thinks of certain trends. Does he like them, why or why not etc? It's so interesting to me to see what I love that men find ridiculous. So I decided to put together a panel of around 40 men ranging from 20-30 years old (thank you again guys!) to poll weekly about current trends. This week's trend is denim on denim. I sent the above pictures to my Men React Panel to see how they feel about the not-so-new trend!
Matt, 22, said of the trend, "Denim is pretty classic; everyone loves denim. These girls look great, but really laid back and casual at the same time--the kind of girl I would want to meet."
Mark, 21, responded, "Denim on Denim? I am indifferent. However, I am a fan of a good pair of daisy dukes."
So there you have it ladies, straight from the men themselves! I'm glad that these guys approve, because this is a frequent go-to look of mine! Be sure to check back next week to find out what the Men React Panel think of the next trend!
I would love some ideas for trends to poll the men about! Let me know what you're curious about either in a comment below, or email me at
xo Catherine
Blue Polka Dots
August 20, 2013
Fabulous Finds
August 19, 2013
1. Started watching Orange is the New Black on Friday on Netflix. Completed season one by Sunday (to be fair, there's only 13 episodes). So good!
2. If you follow me on Instagram, then you'll know this already, but Target finally made a version of J. Crew's Etta pump!
3. I've always liked the way boyfriend jeans look and wouldn't mind having a pair. However, I have never tried this style on, so I have no idea whether it works with my body type or not. Maybe I'll get around to trying on this Gap pair eventually.
4. Thanks to one of my closest friends Kara, I have discovered this beautiful Essie nail polish called Demure Vixen. It's at the top of my list for nail colors to buy!
5. Love the color blocked clutch from Asos.
6. After having dinner with the lovely Chelsea of Zipped last week, I was introduced to Parc Boutique, which is a Minneapolis boutique and I fell in love!
xo Catherine
Summer Leather
August 15, 2013
My style is hardly what you'd call 'edgy' (just look at the above pose), and yet, here I am in a faux leather vest. Let me explain. I have always had a secret desire to have a leather jacket, but I always thought that it 'wasn't me' and that I couldn't pull it off. So..when I saw this leather vest at Nordstrom Rack for $30 I thought it would be the perfect way to ease into my biker-chick alter-ego. You can bet you're going to be seeing this vest a lot in the coming months :) (And yes, I'm wearing this skirt again. Sorry, I'm not sorry).
Skirt: Target. Top: Banana Republic (old). Vest: Nordstrom Rack (only had the white one online). Necklace: J. Crew. Watch: Fossil. Purse: Topshop (sold out). Shoes: Target (very old).
Thanks to Megan for these Fab pictures!
xo Catherine
Black + White + Pink
August 14, 2013
Dress: H&M (Similar). Shoes: Target (Old. Similar here.). Blouse: Primark (Europe only. Similar here.). Necklace: Pretty Poppy (In store only. Similar here and here). Purse: Vintage Coach.
Let me just start by saying that standing on a ramp in four inch heels is no easy feat, so let's all just take a moment to appreciate my fabulous sense of balance for these pictures. Okay, now that we've got that out of the way we can talk about how much I am loving the whole black and white thing. I'm planning to take this trend and run with it all the way into fall and winter :)
I would very much appreciate it if you could all take a moment to head over to H&M's 50 States of Fashion contest and search my user name: cmday615 so that you can vote for my looks. Thanks! You rock, never change :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
xo Catherine
Photos by: My lovely mother.
Weekend Recap
August 12, 2013
Good morning, hope you had a wonderful weekend! My family and I went up to our cabin for the weekend. It was very serene and nostalgic. I used to go there every summer, but hadn't been in nearly three years. Here are a few pics from the weekend, but first off--let me just tell you that when I say 'cabin' that I do mean a real, live cabin. None of this lake home business.
I love shopping, picking out outfits, and getting dressed up just as much as the next girl, (okay, probably more than the next girl) but sometimes there is nothing better than not having to fuss with makeup and hairspray and ironing. This weekend was free of all of those things: makeup, hairspray and ironing! I haven't curled my hair in four days!
Well, now it's back to reality and with it necessity of looking presentable!
Thanks for stopping by,
xo Catherine
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