I'm still on the job hunt, so I have a lot of free time to kill. What does that mean? Netflix! Was there ever a greater invention? Okay, yes, but it's still pretty great. Along with asking people what they're reading, I love to ask what they're binge watching on Netflix. Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Mad Men. As any good advertising major should, I loved Mad Men. Every episode is clever and interesting, the costumes are amazing, and the characters are great. Peggy Olson is my spirit animal (see above).
2. Parks and Recreation. It took me a while to get into Parks and Rec, but now after having watched all of the seasons it's one of my favorite shows. The best part is that you love every single character. Seriously, everyone is so well written and hilarious. I mean, this is where treat yo self came from!
3. Dexter. Mark and I just finished this and I miss it! It's extremely captivating and definitely makes you think. I mean, it makes you root for a serial killer after all...
4. One Tree Hill. This show is all kinds of ridiculous, but I still love it. It's so dramatic, but not very complicated. It definitely deteriorates in quality as the seasons go on and main characters leave, but I saw it through until the very end. I have this thing where I have to finish a show once I've started.
5. Parenthood. I really enjoyed Parenthood, but it was never able to keep my full attention. I would usually end up doing something else at the same time. That's not to say that I didn't like it, because I'm still recommending it! The characters are all so normal, and I really enjoyed that it seems like it could actually be real life and a real family.
6. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. You can breeze through the whole first (and only) season in a weekend, no problem. The episodes are only 20 minutes, and they're hilarious. My friends and I could watch this over and over again. Tina Fey is a genius.
7. 30 Rock. Speaking of Tina Fey, I couldn't forget about 30 Rock. I haven't finished it yet (I'm only on season 3), but I'm loving it. It was kind of like Parks and Rec, where I needed a few episodes to get into it, but now I think it's so brilliant. It's like Parks where you love every character and you really appreciate the writing.
8. Grey's Anatomy. I never got into Grey's when my mom or friends were watching it in high school, but then my sophomore year of college I decided to give it a try on Netflix and I was hooked. This is by far my favorite show ever. I just love everything about it. It's fascinating, I have come to love the characters, and I think Shonda can do no wrong (also love Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder)!
What are you currently binge watching? I would love to know!
xo Catherine
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