This week marks six months since I up and moved across the country from Minnesota to California. Can you believe it? In some ways it feels like I've been here much longer than that and in others it seems like I just arrived. That's life for you. Today I'm actually flying back home for Thanksgiving, so it's kind of fitting to be reflecting on the past six months and the changes I've gone through.
Favorite things about California:
Seeing Mark everyday. Long distance feels like forever ago. We've fallen into our life together quite nicely and I couldn't be happier that I get to spend every day with this guy.
Wearing flats in November. Okay, so this is a pretty material favorite thing, but seriously it's so great. In MN you had to resign yourself to boots from November-March. I'm really loving the extended footwear options year round :)
All the amazing destinations within driving distance. In the past six months I've been to Sonoma, Half Moon Bay, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and done the 17 mile drive. It's been so fun to discover a beautiful new state and everything that it has to offer.
Not so favorite things:
The weather. Now in November it's starting to feel like fall and I can wear my beloved sweaters, but it definitely doesn't feel like we're headed into the holiday season. I know most people would be psyched to have California weather, but I actually really miss the noticeable change of seasons.
The traffic. Goddamn, the traffic. You always hear about how awful it is, but I never really experienced it until I started commuting to work. I'm lucky enough to have a shuttle that I can take to work so I can work or read, or just relax, but when I do have to drive I want to rip my hair out.
The hardest thing:
Making friends. I think this one is pretty self explanatory, but it's something that I've struggled with since being here. I definitely had a core group of people in Minnesota and it's hard to be without them.
On my well being:
I'm happy. That's all you can really ask for, right? Overall things are going really well. Just like college, or any other big life adjustment, it's tough in the beginning. There may be tears and phone calls home, but you get through the worst part and can look back and reflect from the better side of things. I'm happy to say that I got through the first six months with minimal trauma ;) here's to the next six months. Can't wait to see where things go!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! See you back here Monday for a week full of holiday posts.
xo Catherine
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