Pretty Things

July 13, 2015

Hello! I just wanted to pop in and share some pretty things I've had my eye on. As you've probably heard, Nordstrom is having its anniversary sale right now, and you can get new fall items discounted. That's why you're seeing boots and jackets in July :) the sale doesn't open until Thursday (unless you have a Nordstrom card), but it's a good one! Since I still don't have a job, I'm not doing much shopping, but I thought these items were too good not to share.

How was your weekend? Mark and I played some tennis, watched some tennis, went out for pizza, and did our fair share of lounging. We also walked over to Levi Stadium on Saturday night because One Direction was playing. We live about a 20 minute walk away and we just wanted to go see what was going on, and then we got to hear a few songs! Hoping you had a great weekend!

xo Catherine 

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