I get the sense that the posts you guys enjoy most are the ones when I share personal things and details about what's going on in my life. So today's post is just kind of a hodge podge of random things that are going on with me.
Leaving: for DC today! I can't remember if I posted about it here or not but I'm headed to DC with my mom and sister today just for fun. We've been saying we wanted to go for years and finally made it happen. Honestly, I kind of kept forgetting about it because of all the engagement excitement. We planned the trip before we got engaged as a way to see each other but then Mark and I ended up going home two weeks ago to look at wedding venues. My sister was a political science major so I think my mom and I are going to have to rein her in a little ;) I like museums as much as the next gal but can't spend all day there. Luckily, I have a friend from college who lives there that I'll get to see and who has given us some awesome restaurant recs!
Getting excited about: the holidays. I know it's too early and I shouldn't be saying this but I just booked my ticket home for Thanksgiving yesterday so it's on my mind. I know some people may think it's not worth it to go home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas since it's expensive and they're so close together, but it wouldn't feel right to me if we didn't. I know I'd be miserable if we stayed in California away from both of our families.
Reading: The Light Between Oceans and a ton of bridal magazines. The Light Between Oceans has been on my list for a while and it finally became available at the library! Really loving it so far and can't wait to see the movie afterwards. There's a Recent Reads post coming soon, but I'd love to know now if you've read anything great lately!
Loving: that we're getting some things checked off of our wedding to-do list. I know we're still over a year out but until we get all of the big things booked I know I'll be stressed that all the good vendors will be taken on our day. #TypeA Any advice or tips you have on wedding planning would be much appreciated!
Watching: The Night Of. We started this last week and are about halfway through. I won't give anything away but we're really enjoying it so far. For those of you that don't know it's an HBO mini-series that takes a look at the criminal justice system and its flaws in America. Definitely worth the watch. We've also recently finished Narcos Season 2, Stranger Things, and The Wire. That must make it seem like all we do is watch TV! Okay, okay, so maybe it is :)
Feeling: homesick. I talked about it a little bit on Monday but I was really sad after we got back from Minnesota last week. It might have been just that it was such a great weekend and I was on a major high from all of the family time and wedding excitement, but I was really feeling bummed out. I can't say for sure what made me feel better (okay maybe in part it was puppy and fiancé snuggles) but I'm basically back to normal after my little funk. Just wanted to be real and let you guys know what's going on over here.
Lusting over: these leopard loafers. Had to end it with a little bit of shopping action! I've been determined to buy these ever since I laid eyes on them a few weeks ago and I'm thinking I may pull the trigger this week. It's a fairly steep price for flats, in my opinion, but if you sign up for their emails you get 15% off. I also know that if they fit and are comfortable that I will wear them a ton.
Well, that's all folks! If you're feeling so inclined to keep up with our DC trip you can do so on Insta or Snap (@myinnerfabulous).
Be sure to stop by on Friday to see where our wedding is going to be!
xo Catherine
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