Wednesday was Louie's "birthday" and he turned one! I say "birthday" because he's a rescue pup so we don't actually know when it is. We got him on March 19th and they thought he was about five months old, so we decided October 19th would be his birthday. He's still a little sour patch kid, but we adore him and he really makes us feel like a little family. We've loved getting to see his personality come out pretty much from the second we brought him home. This post may seem over the top to some of you, but we're kind of obsessed with him, so I thought it was only fitting to write him a little love letter of sorts for his birthday.
Nicknames: Lou, Loubert, Loulou, munchkin, munch, munchers, bud, buddy, budders, little buddy, little bean, pup, puppers, Louboo, goofy goober, Mr. Steal Your Socks.
Favorite things: snuggling (he's half laying across my laptop as I write this), barking, laying in the sun, peanut butter, fetch, not bringing the ball back during fetch, tennis balls, oversized bones, belly rubs, ice cubes, chewing on his name tag, playing chase, stealing socks, trying to dig through the mattress, shoving his ball under the couch and then whining when he can't reach it.
Least favorite things: kisses from us😩 (he has a weird thing about having our faces close to his), random noises, walks, wearing his harness, anything citrus scented or flavored, forced snuggles, bedtime.
Our favorite thing about him: his unconditional love and how excited he gets when we come home. Even when we're in bad moods he can always make us feel better.
Our least favorite thing about him: the barking! He started this thing a couple months ago where he barks every night when we put him in his kennel. He was a little angel for like the first four months and then randomly started doing this. We can't figure out why he started doing it or why he hasn't figured out that it's not going to get him into bed with us.
Worst thing he's ever done: this has to be a tie between pulling Mark's towel off the rack and peeing on it or peeing on the mattress. He really has only had a handful of accidents since the first month we got him but they happened to be in very inconvenient places i.e. the mattress 😒
Best thing he's done: definitely this picture:
We were working on crate training during dinner and it's like he was trying to entertain us😂
We were working on crate training during dinner and it's like he was trying to entertain us😂
Sometimes I still can't believe that we have a dog and that he's still alive. Kidding! Well maybe there is a hint of truth to that - it's so much responsibility to be in charge of his little life. He's definitely brought us a lot of joy despite how much we may get annoyed with him.
I was looking through photos and realized I have a ton of pretty great snapchat screenshots of him from Mark, so I thought I'd end with some of my favorites:
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