Hello hello! I'm excited to be launching a new series today that I hope to keep up with every Friday. Personally, my favorite thing to read on blogs is, well, personal things! I love a good couture outfit but feeling a connection to someone is usually what keeps me coming back. So in the interest of doing that in a semi-structured way I'm launching Friday Day Dreams. Every Friday I'm going to share the following things: My high/low from the week, what I'm reading, what I'm watching, my favorite thing from the internet, weekend plans and what I'm currently obsessed with. These categories were inspired by some of my favorite content creators like Bad on Paper Podcast, which I adore, and Krista's Friday Five posts and Mackenzie's rose and thorn posts. I think it will be a fun way to share what I'm up to and hopefully will turn you on to some new things you love as well! The bonus will be that it acts as a little journal for me if I ever want to go back and see what was going on in my life at a certain point. Let's get started!
This week's high: I had dinner with two of my best girlfriends from college on Tuesday and it was such a fun night. I don't see them nearly enough and the whole night we kept saying, why don't we see each other more?! So here's to making plans with friends more of a priority.
This week's low: Honestly nothing stood out as a true low this week. Kind of a lame way to start this off but not having a low is a good thing!
What I'm reading: Dead Mountain. So random. I cannot remember where I heard about this book but I'm hooked!
What I'm watching: When Mark's not home I watch Schitt's Creek (he's not into it) and find it so entertaining. All of the characters have their own hilarious quirks and I can never decide who's my favorite because they're all so good.
Best thing from the internet: So I have two this week. I had seen this guy's Instagram before but was reminded about it when Jennifer Garner posted one of his videos this week. He makes these uplifting dance videos with emojis and inspirational quotes and I can't get enough. This one is my favorite!
My second favorite thing was this TV show announcement. #SpaceForce I👏am👏here👏for👏this.
Currently obsessed with: Laneige lip mask. I know this is bougie AF, but hear be out: it is so luxurious and your lips will feel like a million bucks. I am unfortunately addicted to lip balm and have found that I don't have to apply this one as often as others because it keeps you feeling moisturized longer!
Weekend plans: We're going out for dinner and to see Vice with my sister and her boyfriend on Saturday and that's it for now. I'm looking forward to sleeping in and doing a lot of reading!
Have a wonderful weekend!
xo Catherine
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