TGIF, friends! This was a looong week for many reasons so this girl is ready for the weekend!
This week's high: Book club! Our book club met this week to discuss The Girls and it was such a fun night with lots of thought provoking conversation. This may be a theme, as last week's high was also related to seeing friends, but it just brings me so much joy to be surrounded by such amazing women and I always feel energized afterwards. Does this mean that I'm an extrovert?!
This week's low: This is an easy one this week: the weather has been rough. Mark says I'm not allowed to complain because I wanted to move back to MN so bad but when it's single digits you're allowed to complain no matter how much you love the place you live.
What I'm reading: Good Riddance. When I worked at Google they always had free books that were sent to the Google Play Books team so I was able to snag an advanced copy of this and finally started it this week! It will be available on February 5th and so far it's a fun, cute read! Just what I was in the mood for after my last few books were all pretty heavy.
What I'm watching: Friends from College. We watched the first season when it came out in 2017 and just assumed it had been canceled since it took two years for season two but we were pleasantly surprised to see it waiting for us in our Netflix queue. It's very funny and the 30 minute episodes are the perfect length.
Best thing from the internet: I was just introduced to this Instagram account when Reese Witherspoon shared one of their videos and they have the cutest curated videos of animals😭
Currently obsessed with: Slippers. I now have three pairs, which is utterly unnecessary but makes it more fun to have options when you wear them literally every single day. Our house is VV cold right now so I'm in my slippers from the second I'm out of bed to the second I get back in bed at the end of the day. J. Crew has the best slippers, IMO, and I've been loving this pair because there are no pesky laces that end up coming untied.
Weekend plans: I'm hoping for this to be a productive weekend, which means I'll have to overcome the extreme sense of laziness that sets in when it's 8 degrees outside😇I have returns to make, I want to clean out my closet and there's a shelf I've been meaning to build for a month. Wish me luck!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
xo Catherine
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