Men React: Turtlenecks

September 19, 2013

(I promise that says "turtlenecks" and not "tuttlenecks")
Images via:" 1/2

It's Thursday--you know what that means: another round of Men React! This week the panel was asked about turtlenecks. Now, I know what you're thinking: these have been around forever, how can this be a trend? True, but they're making a comeback this fall, so expect to see more of them. In my opinion, turtlenecks have a bad rep and have connotations of either children or the elderly. When done well, turtlenecks are can be chic (see above). Not only are they cute and cozy, but they're functional, hello, sweater and scarf all in one! Well, I know you're dying to know what guys think of these. Ask and you shall receive, my friend:

Let's hear more specifically what the panel thinks of turtlenecks:

"Unless being used to cover up a hickey, may turtlenecks rest in peace with Steve Jobs." (Seriously, aren't these guys just the greatest?)

"As a casual look, turtlenecks can be sexy in the same way that a pretty girl in a sweatshirt is sexy. But it's difficult to look beyond the turtleneck's dorky reputation."

"I am weirdly attracted to female necks. So Covering them up would just ruin so many things for me."

"I like them generally, but it can be a hit or miss, depending on the rest of the girl's outfit"

"Please no."

"Nothing like a crisp fall day and a hot girl in a turtleneck." (Well said, my friend, well said.)

Thanks again for reading, and a huge thank you to these men for helping a girl out!

xo Catherine

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