We're back with a new round up of the things I like and I have extras to share since I missed last week! Keep reading to see what caught my eye on the internets :)
2. Speaking of By the Book, one of the books they live by is Marie Kondo's The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I'll be honest I always roll my eyes at that book so it was fun to hear their thoughts on it after living by it for two weeks. Anyway, I was curious after listening to that episode and found this article that shows what Marie Kondo's home looks like and it's verrrrry minimalistic. So interesting, and honestly a little sad in my opinion. Doesn't look lived in.
3. On to happier homes: Alaina Kaczmarski's Chicago greystone tour. OMG IT'S SO GORGEOUS. I want to replicate everything. I follow her on Insta and her blog and she seems like the sweetest and she has killer design instincts!
4. An interesting (older) article about how Taylor Swift has made a career out of being a victim. It's particularly interesting and relevant after her latest song.
5. You probably saw this floating around the internet over the last few weeks but couldn't resist sharing the list of things millennials are killing😂🙄
6. Absolutely loved this Man Repeller article where these women had their hair styled in a way they would never choose for themselves. It's funny because they all looked awesome but we really get in our own heads about what we are and aren't allowed to do or wear. For me, I would never wear my hair in a really sleek ponytail or with a center part because for whatever reason in my mind only really chic people can pull that off and I don't consider myself to be chic. I need to just get out of my own head and wear my hair however I want!
7. I'm a firm believer that we need to stop saying "girlboss" and I loved this article about why cutesy terms like that aren't helping women.
8. Ending with a nostalgic link: remember these "high-tech" toys from the '90's? I had and wanted so many of these things!
Hope your week is flying by and thanks for stopping in to enjoy the internet with me!
xo Catherine
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