Are you getting through the week okay? I'm sure as hell struggling after those wonderful four days off. We're halfway-ish through though! Now that we're in the full swing of the Christmas season that's helping to cheer me :) these fabulous things from around the web are doing that as well! Let's check em out, shall we?
2. In case you're stumped on Christmas gift ideas, this list is pretty great. BTW, very proud of Mark and I for being 95% done with our Christmas shopping already!
3. Well aren't these just the cutest lil holiday booties?
4. Have you ever needed a Christmas sweater that also holds a bottle of wine? I thought so. Here is the sweater for you!
5. We still have a ton of leftovers from Thanksgiving and I'm so sick of turkey lol. Here are 20 ways to repurpose your Thanksgiving leftovers!
6. I had never heard of Variety's Actors on Actors series before but I watched a few episodes and am so excited now for awards season! Can't wait to start seeing some of the possible awards movies soon.
Hope the rest of your week flies by and I'll meet you back here on Friday!
xo Catherine
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