Happy Wednesday, friends! This week has been perfect weather-wise in California and I'm officially ready for summer. Summer is actually kind of my least favorite season but it's such a nostalgic one for me. I always think about playing in the yard with my sister until the sun went down and getting Dairy Queen after softball games and trying to cram as many sleepovers into three months as possible. All fun stuff! Well we got off topic there, let's get back to why you're here ;)
2. You know I can't let a Wednesday go by without some sort of Meghan Markle reference, so here you go: is she the biggest influencer of all time?
3. An interesting read about a modern day con artist. It's a lengthier read but a fascinating story.
4. Honestly can't even tell you why but I loved this article about desk mayonnaise and thought it was written in such a hilarious way. I've intrigued you by writing the phrase "desk mayonnaise", haven't I?
5. I tried on these slides at Target last week and they were so cute and comfy (and only $23!) but the pair in my size had some damage. You better believe I will be ordering and proceeding to wear all. summer. long. In other Target sandal news I'm eyeing this silk pair and this tassel pair.
6. Last but not least, a few of our wedding photos were published on Modern Weddings! Can't wait to share more photos here soon!
Thanks so much for reading and have a great week!
xo Catherine
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